Posts Tagged marriage

Best part of my previous week…

I know it’s late but I have to share this story.  So I was visiting Kari, Jarrett and Seth for a quick moment and was holding seth – I was gently bouncing him and then patted him on the back and the little s#!t vomitted down my dress, no not ON my dress, DOWN my dress.  Eww but at the same time pretty funny.

I am hardcore jonesing for a wii fit but no one freaking has one!!! If you see one, buy it for me, mail it to me and I’ll give you a check for $100.00 – but it has to be new.  Don’t want to smell other ppls feets when I do my YoGa.

Work rocks – I really really really reallllllly! Like it!  I think someone should videotape me this next week as I overhaul the children’s side of the library – for serious!

I also think our country is overrun with morons.  Like those ppl who believe anything Fox spNews says…Ohh you say Obama is a muslim terrorist?  That’s exactly why our law enforcement ppls thought it would be better for him to attempt to run the USA then send him to gitmo.  Right….. Seriously ppl, please remove your heads from your a$$es and educate yourselves!  Do you even know what stories are on the front page of the newspaper (I mean like a wallstreet journal or something more global) Do you know where Iraq is on the map?  Do you know the different branches of the government and what they do (and better yet, why the patriot act cripples the government that has done a decent job of keeping us safe??) ugh It really boils my blood for people to spout ignorant “truths” and be damn near willing to die for those “truths” Yet they won’t pick up a real book, or newspaper, or even history book to educate themselves.

/end rant

So that’s about it – I have 3 baby things to make for 3 lucky ppl…2 in October and 1 in ?? (after october thank goodness!)

Oh I forgot to share my truly favorite story of this past week! Since matthew and I celebrated 2 yrs of marriage…we had decided not to exchange gifts (we’ve made some pretty pricy purchases that probably would have been gifts if we had been more patient, alas…) so I got matthew a pretty sweet cake shaped EXACTLY like the Red wings logo (I think blogged this before, with the intent of a picture to be posted but I am a slacker and have failed to do such) but the cake was for us, so not really a gift.  I gave him a card and that was all.  I get home from girls night around 9 and matthew sooo slyly requests that I go upstairs to the movie shelves and find “A white dvd, near the Aquateen hunger force, but oh shoot, I forgot the name” So i go look and see a little white case with “Happy Anniversary Gift” on the spine.  I take it out and he wrote me a lovely letter that I will treasure always.  Then I opened it and inside was Indiana Jones Lego Adventure game for the wii!  He has also deemed this something we cannot play without each other so of course we’ve been playing it all week long 😛  Seriously I love this kid.

Alright that’s really it. Good night folks!


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Wow, it’s been a while….

So I know I’ve been away for a while, things have just been busy and I haven’t been able to bring myself to type, when I spent so much time thinking “I should really do something with my time” but now that I’m doing something with 40 hours of my time each week, I feel entitled to freely post online, without fear that I’m being lazy – damnit I’m allowed a post or two a week! 😛

Enough with that – Let me catch you up with my life, in reverse chronological order:

Tomorrow, June 9, is Matthew and My’s 2nd anniversary – wooohooo!  Can I tell you a huge pet peeve??  When people find out we’ve only been married for 2 years and they say “Oh that’s not very long” because YES it is very long, we’ve been dating for SEVEN years ppl! Just b/c we didn’t tie the knot a year after we met doesn’t mean we don’t know each other.  Ugh, that’s a huge pet peeve – but I think Matthew feels the same way, so that makes me feel better.  We’re kinda celebrating right now, but not like last year (10 Geocaches in one day….insane!) I gave him his gift, well our gift, a Red Wings shaped and decorated cake – it’s freakin sweeeet! When I upload the pics (which could be next month) I’ll let you know.  If you want to know the cake maker let me know – she does awesome stuff!!!

This past week has been my first week of work as a Children’s Librarian, an official one! It’s been a good week!!! I reallly like the place, the people, the kids, even the location (which is 50 mins from home)  I think it’s going to be a great place to work and make name for myself and summer Reading Program has kicked off so we have a lot of people in the library – loads of fun!

Along with the new job I got a new car – a 2007 Dodge Caliber – his name is Dewey and he’s muy sexy


I got him with 4000 miles on him and now he has 8000 – he’s getting old fast 😛 but I love him so!

I’ve been to a slew of weddings these past few weeks and have a few more to go to next month – I’m looking forward them.

Well I think that’s all for now – been nice to tell you all what I’ve been up to and that I haven’t died or anything crazy like that…just been way busy and now I think I need a nap 😛

Ciao! Anna

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