Posts Tagged weight watchers

Hmm not quite thrilled at the moment

So this is hard for me to do – I’ve decided to recommit myself to Weight Watchers and to really truly try and lose all this horrid weight that I’ve gained.  I have never in my life been this heavy and it’s so depressing that I had at one point managed to lose 20 lbs to get to 170, but now I’m 30 lbs heavier and mad at myself.  I have all these great clothes and dresses that I want to wear but I can’t, I’m stuck wearing the clothes that stretch so I can breathe – how gross.  and I’ve been trying these past two weeks to exercise more and each better but it hasn’t helped.  So I’ve given in, and I”m doing weight watchers again.  I truly want to lose 10 lbs, so I can get a new pair of shoes (thanks to my MIL – we both have to lose it…and she’s actually lost some of it!)  But I think I can do it – I’m going to keep track of everything, walk 3 x’s a week and exercise on the elliptical 2 x’s.  PLEASE if you read this, please please please yell at me and make me accountable to you, whoever you are!  I want to be 25 lbs lighter for my 25th birthday, hell I’ll even take 10 lbs lighter, but August is just around the corner and I need some person to just yell at me or encourage me when I’m around.  So with that being said, I think I’m going to go for a walk, husband or not (I”m actually listening to a great book…)

Here’s to losing the first lb. – I CAN and WILL do it!

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